In the chilling mists of a forgotten realm, Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta, slayed an ancient vampire king with his godly blades. As the dark blood of the vampire seeped into his wounds, a malevolent curse transformed Kratos, infusing him with insatiable hunger and the powers of the night. With a haunting howl, he emerged from the shadows, reborn as Dracula, the immortal lord of the undead. In the chilling mists of a forgotten realm, Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta, slayed an ancient vampire king with his godly blades. As the dark blood of the vampire seeped into his wounds, a malevolent curse transformed Kratos, infusing him with insatiable hunger and the powers of the night. With a haunting howl, he emerged from the shadows, reborn as Dracula, the immortal lord of the undead. In the chilling mists of a forgotten realm, Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta, slayed an ancient vampire king with his godly blades. As the dark blood of the vampire seeped into his wounds, a malevolent curse transformed Kratos, infusing him with insatiable hunger and the powers of the night. With a haunting howl, he emerged from the shadows, reborn as Dracula, the immortal lord of the undead.
Transilvania's Lord